The North Somerset Yeomanry in The Great War
Welcome to The Somerset Boys, the virtual home of the North Somerset Yeomanry.
The North Somerset Yeomanry were a part time cavalry regiment created in 1798 by local worthies to counter any invasion from Revolutionary France. When that threat diminished they were stood down until The Ogre that was Napoleon Bonaparte became the ruler of Europe and Britain stood alone. After 1815 and the battle of Waterloo the Yeomanry became an emergency ‘police’ force in aiding the civil powers.
It was in 1900 that the Yeomanry were asked to fight for the first time in South Africa followed by the Great War and The Second World War. For a fuller history click the button.
We are the Somerset boys
We are the Somerset boys
We are the Somerset boys
We know our manners
We spend our tanners
We are respected wherever we go
When we march down from Forest Row
Doors and windows open wide
We can sing or
We can dance
Fight in Belgium or in France
We are the Somerset boys
W Percy Withers