Why The NSY

It may seem odd that a chap from the industrial West Riding of Yorkshire would have an interest in a Somerset territorial cavalry regiment so this is how it happened

As mentioned previously I got involved in a Great War Yeomanry re-enactment in 2013. This was the Lancashire Hussars, they served on the Western Front until 1917 when it was dismounted and a large number of its men became the 17th Btn. Kings Liverpool Regiment. I also started researching the Yorkshire Dragoons who had their signals detachment based in my home town. This gave me a start on what the Yeomanry were and how they served.

In 2014 personal circumstances saw me moving to Wells in Somerset. Wells is a beautiful city with over 1000 years of history including a 15th century Tithe Barn. One little fact about this barn was that it was used as a drill hall for the local cavalry and infantry territorials. This peaked my interest and I did a little digging and discovered that Wells had its own troop of the NSY, knowing this and realising that the men of the unit were my neighbours and their families were still living in the city. This excited me more than anything Iā€™d ever done in military history, I also joined another group of re-enactors, Yeoman, who portray the Essex Yeomanry.

I had an idea, to start collecting a Roll of Honour for the men who served with the NSY during the Great War. I searched the various available databases and archives and slowly collected over 1300 names of other ranks who served either in the 1/1st or 2/1st NSY and a large number of officers associated with the regiment. These names are being collated into a 2 volume Roll of Honour which should be published in 2023. A number of these men are pictured on the site below


Please spread the word. There are still a few bits and bobs to add and I will be adding blog posts about the regiment on a regular basis. If you have anything you would like to add just drop me a message.


How It All Began


The First Blood is Shed